Car Immobiliser Australia

About Us

 CODE SAFE: Advanced Keypad Immobilisers for Superior Vehicle Security


LC Distributors is a sole business trader and distributor of CODE SAFE vehicle immobilisers in Australia/NZ.
With a dedicated focus on educating the nation about the importance of enhancing vehicle security with the addition of quality CODE SAFE aftermarket engine immobiliser technology, LC Distributors is now focused on supplying all industry installers who wish to help fight the war against vehicle theft.

LC Distributors’ main legacy is to stop young offenders from stealing vehicles that cause trauma on our roads from juvenile joyriding. By reducing the risk of vehicle theft, we create safer communities. Adding additional security with keypad engine immobiliser technology protects communities by giving vehicle owners peace of mind when leaving their vehicles unattended.

LC Distributors has strong working relationships with our growing list of registered CODE SAFE installers, providing them with CODE SAFE vehicle security systems that have been proven successful worldwide through motor insurance. Our registered CODE SAFE installers can offer their valued customers a reliable and sophisticated quality after-market immobiliser that guarantees that even if the thief has the key or key fob to their car, the car is still immobilised.

LC Distributors | CODE SAFE immobilisers play a crucial role in helping reduce vehicle theft in townships where vehicle theft is causing stress to residents.

Immobilisers have been a mandatory installation since 2001 in all makes and models of vehicles.
CODE SAFE is an after market security system that adds another layer of protection to all makes and models of vehicles. CODE SAFE provides theft deterrence by preventing unauthorised drivers from using the vehicle without knowing the unique pin code.

LC Distributors is working with the Queensland police and Queensland state government trial to immobilise 20,000 vehicles in FNQ.

A secondary engine immobiliser subsidy voucher is valued at $500 and will cover the full cost of some secondary engine immobilisers, meaning there is no out-of-pocket expense.

Queensland trial will put brakes on car theft in Townsville, Cairns, Mount Isa

The Queensland Government-funded trial of car immobilisers in three of the State’s regional Cities should be a model for all States and Territories to reduce the increasing rate of car thefts across Australia, a national car immobiliser provider says.

CODE SAFE immobiliser provider Lisa Cohen said the Queensland Government initiative would help put the brakes on car thefts and welcomed the roll-out of the voucher-based system effective from today 2/8/23

“The trial is not just about stopping car theft. Too often we have seen stolen cars involved in other crimes, horrific accidents and the loss of life,” Ms Cohen, the principal of LC Distributors, the licensed provider of the CODE SAFE immobiliser. LC Distributors has a network of Registered CODE SAFE installers across Australia, including the trial cities of Townsville, Cairns and Mount Isa. CODE SAFE immobiliser is a personal digit keypad engine immobiliser used worldwide as a crime prevention tool. “EVEN if the offender has the keys or key fob, the car will not start unless the correct pin code is entered.” The car is immobilised, and the vehicle is protected,” Ms Cohen said.

“I congratulate the Queensland Government for taking up the Queensland Police Union’s proposal for the trial. My installers in Townsville, Cairns and Mount Isa look forward to working with local motorists to give them and their family extra protection from the scourge of car theft.”

“Through this trial, the Queensland Government is leading the way and I encourage other Australian States and Territories to look toward implementing their own trials.”

Ms Cohen said she hoped by the end of the year, the Queensland Government could consider the success of the trial and extend it to other cities and communities across Queensland.

Eligible residents and Engine Immobiliser installers across Queensland who wish to be part of the subsidy trial are invited to register by visiting from today (August 2) and following the prompts.

For more information of the trial, please see the media statement issued by the Queensland Police Minister


Immobilisers have been a mandatory installation since 2001 in all makes and models of vehicles.
CODE SAFE is an after market security system that adds another layer of protection to all makes and models of vehicles.
CODE SAFE provides theft deterrence by preventing unauthorised drivers from using the vehicle without knowing the unique pin code.


Most of us rely on our cars daily – can you imagine if your car was stolen? It is stressful, inconvenient and costly. Many of these thefts occur when cars are left unlocked in the driveway or when a home is broken, and car keys have been left in plain sight. There are commonly two sets of keys for our cars. Make sure both groups are kept securely and not placed in predictable locations.

Stolen vehicles are often involved in road accidents or used to commit more serious crimes. Older vehicles are most likely to be stolen, and while many are recovered, they may be found with significant and costly damage. A large proportion of car theft is opportunistic and, therefore, preventable. Preventive measures can reduce your chances of becoming a victim of car theft.

Could you not make it easy for thieves? Safety starts with you – there are simple steps you can take to protect your car and belongings:

  • Lock it at all times
  • Don’t leave valuable items, bags or personal documents visible.
  • Protect your tools by locking your toolbox.
  • Place your car keys in a secure location when out and at home.
  • Never leave your car running unattended or leave keys in the ignition.
  • Install a car engine immobiliser (in older vehicles and keyless entry vehicles)
  • Install one-way screws to your number plate so stealing is impossible.
  • Never hide keys in your car – thieves know where to look.

CODE SAFE immobilisers have a  4-5 digit keypad and an affordable, reliable anti-theft device that deters the thief from stealing your vehicle.

car immobiliser

Warranties and Installations

You can rely on our registered CODE SAFE installers for service and great prices. Our Registered CODE SAFE INSTALLER will quote you on your installation price for your vehicle’s make and model. 

Installed and guaranteed by CAM: CAR AUDIO MASTERS

Preferred providers of

Now available in New Zealand:

New Zealand: Radioworld – Nelson  

LC Distributors have a strong interest in community welfare.

LC Distributors is initiating Action Plans to prevent vehicle theft and juvenile joyriding with state governments to help reduce vehicle theft and the ever-increasing trauma on our roads from stolen vehicles. In addition, working strategically with significant stakeholders who support vehicle immobilisation rebate schemes for the motoring public will help educate all Australians about the importance of adding sophisticated aftermarket engine immobilisers to their vehicles to prevent future vehicle theft crimes.

Vehicle immobilisation rebate schemes have been successful in Western Australia and through motor insurance companies worldwide.

Vehicle secutiry
For more information, check out this video:
Car Theft in Australia: A Vehicle is Stolen Every 11 Minutes | How to Protect Your Car

Did you know that in Australia, a car is stolen every 11 minutes? In 2024 alone, a staggering 38,000 vehicles were taken, with Queensland topping the list for the highest number of thefts. Understanding why this happens and how to protect your car is essential. Simple steps like installing a Code Safe immobiliser or asking your dealership about security upgrades can make a significant difference. Don’t let your car be the next target—stay informed and take action to keep your vehicle safe.

For more information, watch this video:

Expand Car Immobiliser Vouchers Across the State | Protect Your Vehicle Now

Car immobilisers are becoming an essential tool in the fight against vehicle theft, offering drivers peace of mind by keeping their cars safe and secure. Ross Crosby, a local expert, shares how these devices have helped his customers avoid the devastating experience of car theft. If you’re a driver in Cairns or Townsville, you can still redeem your car immobiliser vouchers until September 30—don’t miss this opportunity to protect your vehicle.

Join the growing movement to encourage the government to expand this successful trial statewide, ensuring more drivers can benefit from enhanced security. Protect your car and support the call for broader access to immobiliser vouchers.

For more information, check out this video:

Code Safe: Stop Vehicle Theft with Trusted Immobilisers | Protect Your Car

Prevent car theft with Code Safe Immobilisers, a trusted solution used by thousands of vehicle owners. Our advanced security system ensures your vehicle remains safe and secure, giving you peace of mind. Don’t wait until it’s too late—install Code Safe and stop thieves in their tracks. Take the first step in protecting your car today.

Learn more and find an installer near you by watching this video:

LC Distributors P/L Automotive