Car Immobiliser

Have Australians become complacent?

Car Immobiliser

Australia Flag ImageGood morning Australia

Australia, the country of boundless dreams.

A safe, secure country is full of hopes and a brighter future.

I learned something a few years ago that I’d like to share with you.

When people visit our capital city Canberra, a lot go to visit our parliament and do tours to learn about the history of Australia.

My mother in law when visiting Australia from Israel, went to visit Canberra, and yes, she did do a tour of Parliament and subsequently learned an essential thing about our Australian emblem. The “coat of arms” of Australia, called the Commonwealth Coat of Arms.

When my mother in law returned from her tour, she asked me a question.

“Lisa, why do the Kangaroo and Emu appear on the Australian coat of arms”?

My reply is “because they are native Australian animals”.

The answer was NO!

I could not believe that I was wrong.

“So tell me, what is the answer? I asked”.

And she told me.

Those animals are on our emblem because those animals cannot walk backward, meaning that Australia is only moving forward.

Wow!! Did you know that????? Not many Australians know this because I have asked many people I know, and they have no idea there you go..something we should all know and trust.

But can we??

Can we trust our Government to protect us and move forward.?

Can we say we are moving forward as other countries are global, with our environment, work ethics, cost of labour, and security?

Security …how safe do you feel here in Australia?

I think most Australians have become very complacent about moving forward.

Change is important, and we need to move forward with every change we face.

Stepping up with security systems is now more important than ever before. Australia is facing many issues other countries were facing back then as we Australians from down under are starting to catch up and feel the effects of these changes.

We need to add extra layers of security to our homes, cars, offices. We need to think about how we will protect our environment in better ways, we need to rethink how we will grow with this change, and we need support from our Governing bodies to do so.

I have many questions and others, on what the answers are, to all these questions.???
Are you moving forward? Or are you moving backward and staying complacent?

National Security Committee(Australia):

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