Car Immobiliser

Code Safe – National statistics

It surprises me that in our local media we hear only disappear about the national car theft crisis happening here in Australia.

Nationally we are hearing stories every day about car theft victims. Alas, another heartfelt death on our roads from a stolen Ferrari this time in Perth.

We can continue to sit around drink our coffee and hear the stories about all the fatalities on our roads due to the high increase of stolen vehicles.

#Joyriding, #carjacking, #theft.

What are we doing about it??

Absolutely NOTHING.


Has insurance companies dropped our premiums??? NO!!

Australians need to act and wake up and find sophisticated anti-theft devices that don’t cost a fortune.

We have many here in #Australia, many products that safeguard our vehicles. and to add another layer of #security to our #vehicles is the only way* to move forward and STOP vehicle theft.

Not only cars but all types of #12V #engines,

#Bobcats, #excavators taken from work sites its common.

With CODE SAFE installed and found across Australia, with 100 locations nationally you can find peace of mind when leaving your vehicle unattended.

Don’t be a victim of #car theft.

Don’t let your car be the one #stolen from your property and don’t let your children take your keys and #joyride.

Next time you’re having your cuppa and sitting in front of the TV or reading the newspaper or hearing talkback radio about the severity of stolen vehicles like in Perth on the weekend, think CODE SAFE for your #peaceofmind.




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