Car Immobiliser


Recently a customer called LC Distributors to discuss becoming a Registered Code Safe installer. In our discussions, he said, it surprises me that a WOMAN owns a vehicle security company” “fascinating” were his exact words.

That got me thinking – Why would he even ask why a woman owns a vehicle security company????????? ‘A WOMAN’……………I have to be perfectly honest with you. Yes, I am a woman selling vehicle security here in Australia and I have a personal story to tell, so if you’re interested, you might want to keep reading this article.

I was a victim of juvenile joyriding back in 1987. It wasn’t a stolen vehicle. It was from a juvenile drink driving accident. Unfortunately, I lost two of my best friends in the accident. I survived. I was 20 years old.

I met a very spiritual woman, a medium, in a pub a few years ago, and she asked me what I did for a living. I told her I sold vehicle security. Then she asked me if I had been in a serious car accident. I got goose bumps She proceeded to tell me I survived the accident because, in the future, I was going to help stop vehicle theft and children dying from stolen vehicles and I was here to SAVE LIVES.

Well, you can imagine how I felt then! I meet her for a reason, for her to validate to me all the reasons why I invest all my time and money into a business that STOPS VEHICLE THEFT AND JUVENILE JOYRIDING.

I am here to educate the community about juvenile joyriding and its consequences from stolen vehicles and how we together can reduce crimes of this nature. Unfortunately, today again, sadly here in Victoria, we lost another young life from vehicle theft and juvenile joyriding. for-dead-in-burwood-highway-crash/news- story/fe13a8bf73cefb1b858d51275dd8f05c

What’s going on out there in our communities is scary and constant and for every vehicle that is stolen, the victim suffers from the consequences. There are consequences to every stolen vehicle, and someone always becomes the VICTIM.

The other night my family and I were asleep at 3.30 am, 5 days ago, and I heard a bomb going off. Yes, a BOMB! I was woken up from the explosion, but I didn’t get out of bed until I heard the second explosion. The dog started barking, so I jumped out of bed to meet the kids in the corridor whilst my husband was still deep in sleep in bed snoring. (He never wakes up to anything, not even a bomb well, he does come from Israel.

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As the kids and I ran to the back door to find out what was going on outside, we then heard the next explosion and fireball flaming high above the garage so high that I screamed, and so did the kids. That certainly woke up my husband. We all ran out to the street to find a stolen vehicle on fire, blowing up before our eyes before the fire brigade turned up to put out the fireball and tow away what was left of the stolen and dumped Mercedes Benz. Glass was everywhere, trees burnt from the high flames, blackened street, and the explosion that freaked us all out. Half the people in our street were out in the middle of the night shaking their heads in disbelief. How could this actually happen to us in our quiet suburban street? The police were scouring the area to find the offender.

Whilst we leave our vehicles unattended without added security, our vehicles become lethal weapons. They are designed to carry us from A-B; they are not designed to kill or mane but they do from natures of these crimes.

Whilst we leave our vehicles unattended without added security, our vehicles become lethal weapons. They are designed to carry us from A-B; they are not designed to kill or mane but they do from natures of these crimes.

called comprehensive motor insurance. If you were paying large sums of money for comprehensive insurance, then why would anyone go out and spend their dollars on vehicle security. It’s a hard business, but I am personally passionate about saving lives.

It’s the juvenile joyriding and vehicle theft that causes pain and anguish to those affected, and that’s a why a woman owns a vehicle security company.

LC Distributors will continue to fight the war against vehicle theft with Code Safe engine immobilisers as a way to reduce the consequences of stolen vehicles here in Australia.

“You don’t become what you want, you become what you believe”

Oprah Winfrey




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