Car Immobiliser

Why invest in expensive GPS trackers?

For those thinking of investing in expensive GPS trackers..think again????

GPS trackers

Recently a customer by the name of Geoff, called CODE SAFE to tell the story of why his GPS tracker could not help him when his vehicle was stolen and how upset he was that he had just booked in a CODE SAFE installation, the night before his car was stolen,with his local Registered CODE SAFE installer! Here is his story…..

“I was looking for a new Security system for my beloved Datsun, and came upon CODE SAFE on an instagram feed, that caught my eye.

I had a feeling there were some guys eyeing off my Datsun in my street as I always park on the street as there is only one car park in our home. Recently I fitted new chrome bumpers and a few aftermarket cool accessories to it so I was paranoid my car was going to be stolen.

I called one of the registered CODE SAFE installers found on the CODE SAFE website, who gave me a very reasonable RRP for my Datsun and it was the most affordable anti theft device I could find.

I new it was an engine immobiliser with ACMA approved insurance wiring so I thought maybe I could have it fitted and also ask for a rebate from my insurance company for having one installed. No brainer.

Unfortunately the night before I had my CODE SAFE installed, my beloved Datsun WAS stolen.

I reported my stolen vehicle to the police the next morning and I told them I knew where my car was as I had also have a very expensive GPS tracking device as well.. I love my car !

I wanted to go to my car immediately, consequently the police told me not to go to my car, after I reported the incident, and they told me I would be interfering if I went to the scene of the crime.The Police after two days finally found my car and subsequently the VIN number was scratched off, so the Datsun became a right off and then it became an insurance claim”

GPS tracking does not prevent theft..but CODE SAFE does.

Australians need to add another layer of security with a CODE SAFE. Its personal digit pin code prevents theft and stops unauthorised drivers to start the vehicle even if they have the original key.

CODE SAFE reduces theft by over 40%. With more installations of CODE SAFE, here in Australia as its done overseas made mandatory by motor vehicle, our insurance companies will to see positive results from doing so and less after incidents of stolen vehicles on our suburban streets.

If you love your car, you must protect it. CODE SAFE is a reliable system giving owners, peace of mind!!! With CODE SAFE ..Your Safe!!


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