Car Immobiliser

I am lost without My Car

CODE SAFE Immobiliser systems are for all types of 12V vehicles.

Immobilisers are one of the best ways to secure your vehicle. Affordable, reliable and a small investment to safeguard your vehicle. CODE SAFE immobilisers comply to, and pass, Australian standards. Secure technologies integrating with your vehicles electrical system and central locking, gives seamless operation and peace of mind.

Security is important for all #vehicles. A good quality keypad immobiliser, properly installed, secures all types of vehicles. Our immobilisers have a 4601 component for insurance purposes, so you can ask you insurance company for a rebate after one of our highly trained team of responsible registered CODE SAFE installers Australia wide, who offer a #lifetimewarranty on installation, which gives us all peace of mind.

For the ultimate peace of mind you may consider CODE SAFE  2 point, 3 or 4 point CODE SAFE for your 4 x 4 or larger machinery including bobcats, road homes, escalators and and construction sites can be a vulnerable place to leave your assets.

Immobiliser supply & installation is available for older cars or new vehicles here in Australia.

Statistics in Australia have shown that 3 out of 4 vehicle thefts are older cars stolen for joyriding, transport or to commit another crime. Immobilisers are fitted to around 45% of all cars in Australia, but account for only 7% of those cars that are stolen. (stats NMVTRC)

Car thieves have to move quickly and a good immobiliser looks like too much hard work to disarm so they move on. When you consider how much you depend on your car and the trauma you’d go through if it was stolen, it’s worth investing in an ACMA ticked approved CODE SAFE  immobiliser through product and installation, and that’s why immobilising your vehicle with a CODE SAFE is the most effective way to secure your vehicle.

Be safe…think CODE SAFE.



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