Car Immobiliser

Smart Technologies From Other Countries.

Whilst living in Israel I discovered a new world of amazing technology. A small but sophisticated country with brilliant securities something lacking here in Australia.

Not only for vehicles but for all types of securities.

Homes, cars, phones, new buying systems on your phone in a two-click process that would blow your mind…and other technologies I can’t even mention in today’s blog, as the list is too long.

I lived through two wars, where I found myself under threat but bizarrely enough I felt completely safe!!!! Australian girl living in radical times under rocket fire from Gaza.

I lived in a country that had its own defence mechanisms that saved civilian lives.

For example the Iron Dome, a machine designed by Israelis to shoot rockets out of the sky whilst in mid-air on its way to harm civilians.

I found new GPS tracking devices, like WAZE now available here in Australia you will not be disappointed if you download the free app.

An abundance of new startup companies..the leader in many advanced technologies..including CODE SAFE.

CODE SAFE has been a working business model in Israel for the past 12 years and 5 years through Israel’s insurance companies.

A business model that the insurance companies make mandatory for all vehicles through product and installation.

This is a win-win situation for all parties because the members pay less in comprehensive insurance whilst the insurance companies save millions of dollars in claims.

I wondered why I had never seen it in Australia????
And then I started to ask the question, as in importer, The wholesale distributor of other brands here in Australia, why we are so far behind in sophisticated technologies like CODE SAFE.

And then began to think maybe we should have it in Australia.

I was fortunate enough to be introduced to the manufacturer of this impressive CODE SAFE unit, that sits on the dash of every vehicle, which illuminates at night to deter the thief from breaking and entering.

It gives out no noise, not unobtrusive in the slightest way and looks like an original part of the vehicle.

It’s fitted mandatorily into all vehicles, including buses, tractors, and fleet management including Budget rent a car, Avis and Europcar and the list goes on.

The reason I found out after meeting the established 50-year company who make this unique and sophisticated CODE SAFE explained that Australia was too far away!!!!! Down under, so far they told me.

LC Distributors has adopted this new analogue CODE SAFE anti-theft technology to Australia, and we have a list of registered CODE SAFE installers,(see our list on our locations page) ready to install your Code Safe and protect your vehicle like it has done in Israel.

we recently spoke to the founder & CEO of CODE SAFE who indicates
“We have been installing immobilizers since 1996 and recalls having heard a statement from one of the leasing companies working with us that -on an installed base of tens of thousands of cars- the number of thefts dropped from 7% to 0.7% in 20 years ‘

We can do the same here, now In Australia.

Install your CODE SAFE today.

Give yourself peace of mind when parking on our ever increasingly dangerous streets and let’s STOP vehicle theft as its done overseas with a CODE SAFE.

Take your receipt to your insurance company, and ask for a rebate for immobilising your car.

We can only try to lobby our insurance companies to make it mandatory here to stop vehicle theft and reduce our insurance policies
RACV gave me $115 off my insurance policy for immobilising my vehicle and another $80 again this year which has basically paid for my installation.

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