Car Immobiliser

What Security Do You Have In Your Vehicle?

When looking for Security that works, think Code Safe Engine keypad Immobiliser:


How shocked and frustrated would you be, to wake up in the morning and your car was GONE?


How much do you value your car?


What can you do to protect your car?


Where can you buy the most affordable and reliable security system in today’s automotive aftermarket? Who’s selling affordable security?


Do you feel safe when leaving your vehicle unattended?


Are you satisfied with your current security system in your vehicles? For your Car, truck, bobcat, excavator?


Would you be happy if you knew that no unauthorised driver could start your vehicle, without your own personal Code Safe pin code?


If the Government-subsidised the costs of supplying residents in a high-risk communities with engine immobilisers, for under the benchmark RRP would you have a Code Safe installed?


If Insurance companies rebated for all installations of Australian approved aftermarket engine immobilisers to protect your vehicle being stolen and to ensure a discount on your premiums, would you be more likely to join that insurance company?

The Facts

A car is stolen every 4 minutes and we have 42 cars stolen a day just here in Victoria.

There were 58,285 vehicles stolen in Australia, a rise of 9% since 2018.

Holden commodores VE MY06_13 were the most stolen cars in 2019 with a total of 1060 thefts.

The Federal Government estimated road crashes were costing the Australian economy $27 billion dollars a year?

Car theft and juvenile joyriding causes major trauma on our roads costing the state governments and police time and money and resourses.

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Since 2011 with the result of the regulation of motor manufacturers installing electronic engine immobilisers on all new cars mandatorily, contributed heavily in the huge reductions of vehicle crime over the past decade?

All major stakeholders including RACV, RACQ, Police, NHWA, State Governments, NMVTRC, CAR SAFE VICTORIA, and VICTORIA PARK WESTERN AUSTRALIA and more, endorse and encourage residents in townships with high car theft, to immobilise their vehicles with Australian Standard Approved aftermarket engine immobilisers

Estimated road trauma in Victoria costs the State Governments between $3 billion to 4 billion every year.

Estimated road trauma costs the NSW government more than $7 billion every year.

The NMVTRC along with State Governments and insurance companies developed a campaign in 2011 to use effective after market engine immobilisers to be fitted to older cars to reduce crime in high theft townships.

RACV offer cover for vehicle modifications, options and accessories attached to the vehicle.

Victoria Park Township in Western Australia created a rebate immobiliser program to encourage owners of older cars to be fitted with Australian approved after market engine immobiliser. Those residents who had one fitted showed a valid receipt from the credited installer to ensure they received a rebate from their insurance company.

There is a long long list of facts to support that engine immobilisers do in fact reduce vehicle theft and all major stakeholders support them.

Reason for this that these days our newer vehicles are being targeted because “keys are being stolen” and our keyless vehicle security systems are failing us. Increasing every year in our statistics for vehicle theft.

Best Resources:

So what’s the solution to give us all peace of mind when leaving our vehicles unattended without spending a fortune?

We need to install a product that we can trust and that is user friendly.

We need to add another layer of protection to our already existing security systems. We need to find an aftermarket quality security system that works.

Code Safe. A 4-5-digit personal keypad engine immobiliser that works!!

For under $500 you can protect your vehicle that is worth 10’s of 10000’s of dollars. Your best asset is your Code Safe engine immobiliser.

Our Registered Code Safe installers offer a lifetime warranty on all installations giving you peace of mind with the best security guaranteed.

Code Safe is the most affordable and reliable security system, for all Australians.

Now available in New Zealand

Registered Code Safe Installers:


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