Car Immobiliser


My name is Lisa Cohen my business name is LC Distributors P/L a private

enterprise importing, wholesale, and distribution of CODE SAFE keypad engine immobilisers in Australia/NZ

CODE SAFE vehicle security systems reduce the risk of vehicle theft and the consequences of juvenile joyriding.

CODE SAFE is a crime prevention tool to create safer communities.

Statistics – The FACTS.

Currently, keys are being, stolen from home break-ins. Vehicle theft is a significant crime and problem in Queensland, causing distress, and trauma to the victims of vehicle theft, including insurance companies members.

Current 2020 statistics show that Queensland is the second-highest rate of theft in Australia by 24.7% or 3.2% per 1000 registrations.

  • 14,424 (or a quarter) of the 56,312 car thefts in Australia in 2019/20 were in Queensland
  • Car thefts in Queensland have increased by 61% over the previous five financial years.
  • A car is stolen every 9.5 minutes in Australia, and one out of every 120 Australian households had a vehicle stolen in the last 12 months; and
  • The value of the motor vehicles stolen in 2019- 20 was $600 million.

SOLUTIONS AND BENFITS for the motoring public and insurance members.

Vehicle rebate schemes for installing vehicle engine immobilisers encourage a wider community of the motoring public about the importance of adding additional security to their vehicles or assets. When major stakeholders create awareness it sets precedence for their valued members to understand the importance of vehicle security.

Insurance companies content highlights the importance of adding another layer of vehicle security with self- arming engine immobilisers that comply with Australian Standard Approvals. and-maintaining-a-car/car-accessories/vehicle-security

More than half of Australians leave their car keys in a bowl or on a hook upon returning home.

About a third put them in less visible places, namely bags and drawers.

Without the key, late-model cars fitted with immobilisers are difficult, if not impossible, to steal.

Hence the reason most cars (37%) are stolen after the thieves break into the home and take the key.


  1. All significant stakeholders support engine immobilisers, including insurance companies, police, State Governments, NHWA, Car Safe Victoria, NMVTRC
  2. Victoria, and a list of others as Engine Immobilisers save major stakeholders’ time, money, and recourses.
  3. Using successful pivotal strategies and plans that have already proven to save insurance companies and the Government millions of dollars.

Here are a few examples of a successful business rebate schemes introduced by State Governments and Insurance companies–Vehicle-Immobiliser-Rebate-Guidelines-Town-of-Victoria-Park-

Creating immobilisation action incentive schemes through comprehensive insurance policies will benefit the general motoring public and members of insurance companies,

giving them peace of mind when leaving their vehicles unattended.

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LC DISTRIBUTORS |CODE SAFE partnered with CAM [Car Audio Masters] in 2017 and has listed registered installers right across Queensland providing lifetime warranties on all CODE SAFE installations.

LC Distributors provides every CAM member and independent retailer; installing advanced telematics and vehicle security systems an Australian approved affordable, reliable security system so they can retail and install with confidence.

CODE SAFE – keypad engine immobilisers give each independent Registered CODE SAFE installer and their valued customers an affordable, reliable security system that protects their valued customers assets from vehicle theft.

We also have a list of independent experienced registered installers who have joined our list of growing installers right across Australia/ NZ to provide quality CODE SAFE keypad engine immobilisers and service to their valued customers.

See our list of Queensland installers here > s/queensland/

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LC Distributors P/L Automotive